5 Digital Marketing Strategies You Can Execute On A Budget

While the biggest and most elaborate digital marketing campaigns are naturally the most effective, most start-ups don’t have anywhere near the kind of budget required to execute them. A large majority of new businesses struggle to get their foot in the door with digital marketing simply because they don’t have the capital or digital infrastructure to do it effectively.

Digital Marketing Strategies

This reality prompts many businesses to outsource their digital marketing efforts to an experienced digital marketing agencythat has the expertise and resources to get the job done.

However, if your business it determined to keep its spending tight while still advancing its digital marketing efforts, then there are some rudimentary steps you can take. Keep in mind that with digital marketing you get what your pay for, so don’t expect big results if you’re spending very little.

Let’s take a look at 5 digital marketing strategies you can execute on a tight budget.

1: Flex targeting for Facebook

Flex targeting is a Facebook feature that enables you to target user profilesthat match two or more characteristics, such as liking horror movies and dogs. This is one of the most effective ways to scale up your social media marketing without adding significant budget expenditure.

You can use this feature to optimise your messaging so that it you’re only paying for it to reach the right kind of audience, rather than being wasted on non-relevant people.

2: Remarketing across channels

Regular remarketing works by the simple act of replaying ads to consumers on platforms they have already seen them. This means that if a customer did not convert via your PPC ad, you would continue to serve them with that ad or different ads until they did.

Cross-channel remarketing works by showing ads to a user on more platforms than just the one they originally saw it on. This means that if a customer failed to convert from your PPC ad, you could continue serving ads to that person on another platform, such as Facebook.

The primary benefit of this strategy is that it allows you combine the effectiveness of demand-driven channels like Google with the effectiveness of behaviour-driven platforms like Twitter or Facebook. It also works to make your brand appear more influential as you are appearing to the audience across multiple channels.

3: Instagram advertising

Since Facebook took over management of Instagram, you no longer need to have an Instagram account to run ads on the platform as these are now managed within Facebook. Another great benefit is that your Instagram ads can be linked directly to landing pages and other URLs without being filtered through a profile.

The power of Facebook’s targeting tools naturally carries over to Instagram, so you can be highly targeted with this kind of messaging.

4: Focus on mobile

Mobile advertising on the whole costs less to do than desktop or tablet advertising, so you’ll get better value for your money by focusing on mobile campaigns. You can stretch your budget even further on Facebook and Google where it’s possible to set up your campaigns to run primarily on smartphones.

5: Lead ads for Facebook

Facebook lead ads allow you to provide audiences with more information about your business without them needing to leave the network. Lead ads can also be used to host newsletter sign ups and to offer special deals and discounts.

As mentioned, these digital marketing strategies aren’t going to skyrocket your Google rankings, but they do position your business in the right direction to continue growing. Eventually, when you have the capital, you can invest in a heavy duty digital marketing campaign that will take your business to new levels of exposure.

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