Are You Management Material? (Infographic)

“Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing.”

– Warren Bennis, Author & Leadership Guru

For many professionals, there has come a point in their career where they have had to stop and ask themselves “where do I go from here?” When you have excelled in your field, the typical next step is a move into management. With more responsibility, increased authority and a nice pay rise, management roles present a very attractive opportunity for those looking to move up a rung on the career ladder.

Not Everyone Is Management Material

However, the reality is that not all of us are born leaders. Management roles do not suit everybody as they require a very specific range of skills and qualities. Many of us know how difficult it is to work for someoneunsuited to their role as manager. In fact, 3 out of every 4 US workers report that their boss is the worst and most stressful part of their job. A bad boss can have a knock-on effect on workplace morale, employee turnover and productivity.

Do You Have What It Takes?

Therefore, before applying for a management position it’s absolutely crucial that you take some time to reflect on whether you really have what it takes to lead a team. To assist you with this, the folks at Davitt Corporate Partners have created an infographic to help you determine if you’re “management material.”

What Makes for Good Management Material?

The infographic starts off by outlining the qualities of an effective, well-liked manager. According to one survey of employees, the essential characteristics for a good boss include strong listening and communication skills, honesty, approachability and fairness.

Many well-known business leaders have attributed their success to good management. As James Cash Penney, the Founder of J.C Penney’s department stores, once said: “The art of effective listening is essential to clear communication, and clear communication is necessary to management success.”

How to Know If Management Is for You?

The below infographic includes a list of key questions you should ask yourself before making a move into management. By looking at your skills, values and personality, these questions will help you to realistically assess your suitability for such a role. For example, “do you prefer to collaborate or work solo?” or “how do you manage conflict?”

Steps to Become A Manager

Having decided that you have what it takes, the next stage is to take action. Whether you want to apply for a position internally or externally, there are certain measures you can take that will allow you to develop and showcase your management abilities. One thing you can do today is to really focus on building a great track record. In doing this your work history will reflect the work ethic and capabilities required of a successful manager.

If you want to make a transition into the world of management, check out the infographic below for all the practical tips, tricks and advice you will need to succeed.


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