What does your email address say about you?

Psychologists believe that first impression is what determines the direction of all human interactions. As humans, we tend to make conclusions about each other based on the first-time impression.

If the impression is negative, we tend to act with bias irrespective of the evidence provided to us thereafter.

You may assume that this happens only on face to face interactions, but studies show that we tend to unconsciously make snap judgments about people basing on small things such as how they write.

First impression is as important in business and career world as it is in social life. In fact, in the professional arena, your choice of email provider seems to play a significant role in how your customers, potential business partners, and employers perceive you.

Personal domain email communicates confidence ([email protected]).

Having a personal domain email with your name creates an impression of a person who understands technology and is ready to move with times.

It may also communicate confidence and capacity in business execution. A personal domain email creates a professional impression and shows that the sender cares about their business.

A less tech-savvy person is likely to associate a personal domain email with a company’s size, through the belief that only well-established businesses invest in IT. While this may be considered a fallacy, it has some element of truth since most grass root businesses do not invest in tech.

A personal domain email may also create a great impression when it comes to your career.  In the same way as in business, having a personal domain email may create an impression of someone who understands technology and is open to change. It may also portray confidence and professionalism especially if a personal blog demonstrating your skills accompany it.

Getting a custom email address should be on top of your branding efforts whether career-wise or business-wise.

Read this guide on how to identify the most reliable and secure email providers for your business or career branding.

A Gmail or Yahoo Account for the ordinary and boring?

If you are into business, a Gmail or Yahoo email might create an impression of a person who knows their way around a computer but not savvy enough to install an antivirus or set up an Ethernet connection.

In this age when every business has some form of online presence, appearing less tech-savvy may not augur well with business stakeholders.

Contacting a customer or a potential business partner through your email may create an impression that you are less informed on safe cyber practices and are likely to expose them to hackers. This is especially if you are dealing with a tech-savvy customer or business partner.

A personal Gmail or Yahoo email might also imply that you are operating on individual capacity and your business is not big enough to handle tremendous opportunities.

Career-wise, using Gmail or Yahoo to contact potential employers is acceptable but if you want to stand out, try a personal domain email. A small thing such as having a unique email address might capture the interest of a recruiter leading to shortlisting.

AOL or Hotmail email for the illiterate and clueless.

While you may be forgiven for using Gmail or Yahoo for official communication, you will not if you are still stuck in Hotmail and AOL.

These vintage email addresses are likely to communicate ignorance and arrogance. As Sree Sreenivasan, a digital strategist at Digital Mentors Group notes, most employers are likely to reject or ignore emails sent through Hotmail.

Anyone still using AOL or Hotmail is likely not giving a damn about technological evolution in the 21st century or even worse thinks it is cool to maintain 18th-century communication methods.

Using these two emails may also signify chronic lack of interest in the latest technological developments which is a quality no modern-age employer or business partner would want to be associated with.

Also worth noting, any default email address creates the same impression as these two and is likely not to be taken seriously.

Bottom Line.

In the same way as physical appearance, people use small details such as handwriting, font choice, and email signoffs to create the first impression of other people.

This first impression is significant since it influences decision making, whether consciously or unconsciously. When making professional communication through email, your choice of email provider may affect the attitude of the recipient towards you.

Emails sent through personal domains such as [email protected] are likely to portray professionalism and tech savviness while those based on free domains such as Gmail and yahoo shows lack of technical skills and also creativity.

Outdated emails such as Hotmail and AOL are likely to create an impression of arrogance and lack of seriousness. It is no wonder that most people do not read them and mistake them for spam.

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