9 Important Booking System Features

9 Important Booking System Features

Gone are the days when bookings used to be done on phones. Even messaging and text-based booking seems an idea of yesterday. The high-speed digital connectivity propelled by on-demand services has made bookings online and on time.

Be it booking a cab or booking a seat on a bus or booking a product for delivery it’s all done online. The netizens love to make a booking online through website or apps. To make it comfortable for them service providers online ensure the efficacy of their booking system by adding loads of user-friendly features.

Adding that is not a tricky task as it is done by a PHP code for appointment booking or a Java script for that particular feature or function. To add that PHP code to your appointment booking system you can hire the expert developers or can get the task done by your development team.

However, adding anything would not do. What is relevant and user-friendly is what that makes the cut. So, if you want to enrich your online booking system then here are those important 9 features you can’t afford to miss.

Now, just sit back, read and take note of the features that we are going to discuss. And here we go folks:

Payment Options

Don’t miss to have multiple payment options on your booking system. By doing so, you might kill a significant portion of your revenue. Users like to enjoy their choice in terms of payment systems say payment through wallets, PayPal, etc. Extend that option to them.


Bookings are all about schedule and time. So, without a calendar, you can’t imagine things going your ways. Sometimes say for example in doctor’s appointment users like to choose a slot as per their choice. Without the calendar feature, they can’t access that option on the booking page exit.

Instant Update

This is another useful feature that you must have in your booking system. Getting an instant update of bookings is what people look for these days. The real-time automatic messaging for updates keeps the user informed about the status.

Tracking Options

This becomes important if your booking system is catering to the needs of booked products or consignments delivery. Say for example courier service where people like to track the movement of their product from source to destination.


Add the reminder feature to allow the booking system to generate automatic SMS alert to the user’s number. This especially becomes important as in day to day hectic schedule one is bound to miss his appointments say for example a visit to the doctor.

Quick Cancellation  

Allow users the option to cancel their bookings within a specific time. This would not only make the system user-friendly but would also enhance the creditability and trust of the user on your service.

Promo Codes 

Promo codes are the most important pull factor for the users. Add the promo code feature on your booking system to allow the users to get some discounts and savings on their bookings.

Bot Chat

This is a new trend in making things user-friendly. Add a chatbot at the corner of your booking system page to help the users. This would act like 4 x7 customer support system for helping the users with their bookings.

Information Saving 

Last but surely not least have an information saving feature. The information saving system saves general information like Credit card details, debit card details, last booking data, username, slot, etc. Users don’t like to fill in the repetitive data again and again. Moreover, this eats on the time of the user. Thus, information saving saves time and adds to the user-friendliness.

We, hope that you have noted all these must-have features for your booking system. So, the next time you feel to make your bookings effective make sure you have them all at the user end.

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