Best Basic Mobile Apps for Small Business Owners

Best Basic Mobile Apps

In the wild frontier of the digital world, small business owners are akin to modern-day cowboys, forging their path to success in an environment that’s constantly changing. They’re faced with a myriad of challenges – from managing finances and employees to ensuring customer satisfaction – all while trying to stay ahead of the competition.

Just as a trusty sidearm was essential to a cowboy’s survival, having the right tools in your arsenal can make all the difference for today’s entrepreneurs. Enter mobile apps: pocket-sized powerhouses that provide on-the-go solutions for time-strapped business owners.

We know you’re itching for some newfound freedom; ready to break free from the shackles of desktop-bound software and clunky spreadsheets. That’s why we’ve put together this list of top 10 mobile apps for small business owners.

As a senior mobile app writer who’s spent years exploring every nook and cranny of the app stores in search of hidden gems, I’m confident these selections will help you lasso untamed tasks and corral chaos into submission.

With these trusty sidekicks by your side, you’ll be ready to saddle up and ride confidently into the sunset toward success. So strap on those boots, partner; it’s time to take control of your business like never before!

Scheduling apps

As a small business owner, you know that time is your most valuable resource. That’s why it’s essential to have the right scheduling app in your arsenal of top 10 mobile apps for small business owners. Say goodbye to missed appointments and hello to increased productivity with these efficient tools designed to streamline your day.

Two fantastic options for scheduling apps are HotSchedules and Wix Owner App. HotSchedules is an industry-leading employee scheduling software that helps keep your team organized and informed about their shifts.

Meanwhile, the Wix Owner App offers robust features tailored for small business owners, such as appointment booking, staff management, and even integration with Zoom Cloud Meetings. The convenience of having everything at your fingertips means you’ll never have to sweat the small stuff again.

With powerful scheduling apps like these, managing your appointments and tasks becomes a breeze. You can dedicate more time to growing your business while enjoying the freedom that comes from a well-organized schedule.

And now that we’ve covered how crucial a great scheduling app is for running a successful enterprise, let’s dive into another indispensable tool – accounting and budgeting apps – which are equally important in ensuring financial stability and growth for your venture.

Scheduling apps

Accounting and budgeting apps

Imagine trying to navigate a dense forest with no compass or map. That’s what managing your small business finances can feel like without the right accounting and budgeting app. But fear not, intrepid entrepreneur, for there are several top-notch mobile apps that can help you master your company’s financial landscape and set you on the path towards freedom and success.

Among the most popular accounting and finance apps for small business owners are QuickBooks, Wave, FreshBooks, Expensify, and Gusto. Each of these powerful tools offers unique features designed to meet your specific needs.

For instance, QuickBooks provides a comprehensive suite of accounting tools, including invoicing, expense tracking, and payroll management. Meanwhile, Wave offers a streamlined approach to bookkeeping with its user-friendly interface and robust integrations with other essential business tools. FreshBooks is ideal for freelancers and service-based businesses that need an easy way to manage their invoices and expenses. Expensify simplifies the process of capturing receipts while on-the-go through its intuitive mobile app. And lastly, Gusto provides an all-in-one solution for payroll processing and HR management.

Selecting the right app from this impressive array may seem daunting; however, taking into consideration your specific business requirements will guide you towards making an informed decision.

Once you’ve found the perfect tool to manage your finances efficiently, you’ll be able to focus more on growing your enterprise rather than drowning in paperwork or spreadsheets.

As we forge ahead on this journey through top mobile apps for small business owners, let’s shift our attention to payment & invoicing apps that can further streamline your operations and boost productivity.

Payment and invoicing apps

Moving on from accounting and budgeting, let’s dive into another essential aspect of running a small business: payment and invoicing.

Payment and invoicing apps

In this fast-paced world where everyone is seeking convenience, having an efficient payment and invoicing app can make a huge difference for your business. Not only does it save time, but it also helps in keeping your financial records organized and easily accessible.

  • One popular choice among small business owners is PayPal Here, which allows you to accept payments on-the-go by turning your smartphone into a mobile point-of-sale system.
  • Another excellent option is GoPayment, which seamlessly integrates with QuickBooks, making it perfect for businesses already using the accounting software.
  • Square is yet another powerful app that not only processes payments but also offers invoicing features and inventory management tools to streamline your operations further.

Document storage apps

Did you know that 93% of businesses consider document management to be important for their success? With the plethora of affordable small business mobile apps available, document storage has never been easier. Let’s dive into the world of document storage apps and discover which ones stand out as must-have apps for small business owners.

  1. One popular choice among small business owners is Dropbox, a user-friendly document storage app that allows seamless syncing across devices. It’s perfect for those who need instant access to their files while on-the-go or working remotely.
  2. Another great option is Google Drive, which offers an impressive 15GB of free storage space and integrates seamlessly with other Google apps like Docs and Sheets. For those seeking even more storage without breaking the bank, Microsoft OneDrive provides up to 1TB of storage with its Office 365 subscription.
  3. As we explore other free small business mobile apps geared towards document management, Evernote stands out as a versatile tool for both note-taking and file organization. It allows users to store and categorize different types of content such as text notes, images, voice recordings, and web clippings.
  4. Box is another noteworthy contender providing not only cloud storage but also advanced security features that give peace of mind to small business owners handling sensitive information.


In conclusion, incorporating these top mobile apps into your small business operations can significantly improve productivity and efficiency. For instance, a local bakery owner might use Trello to manage tasks, while also utilizing QuickBooks for financial tracking – ensuring seamless integration between the two platforms.

As a small business owner, it’s essential to invest time in training your employees on these apps to maximize their potential fully. Also, make sure that the devices you install those apps on work perfectly.

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