How to create Revision Notes for JEE Main

With a really vast syllabus in JEE Main, it becomes all the more important to create revision notes as you study the various subjects to prepare for JEE Main. JEE Main is an entrance exam conducted by NTA for admissions to various engineering colleges of India. Many students give this exam in the hope of securing a good rank and being able to get admission to their dream college. In JEE Main, the syllabus consists of various chapters of class 11th and 12th of the subjects PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Maths). With a recent change in the pattern of the question paper, the maximum number of marks that a candidate can get in the exam is 300 marks.

To score high marks in this important exam for every student giving it, creating Revision Notes for JEE Main is a very essential step in preparing for it. Here are some reasons citing the importance of making notes in the preparation of JEE Main –

  • Making notes helps you in learning by writing as you study any topic and are able to summarize everything you have studied about a given topic, without diving too deep into it.
  • You understand a topic better when you prepare notes of it as you are writing the important points and also help in memorizing them as you go through the process of writing them.
  • It helps a lot at the time of revision as you don’t have to go through the cumbersome process of going through different study materials to revise each topic and can study all the important topics in one place.
  • Since you will be making the notes in your own language, it will make it easier to understand them later when you refer to them at the time of revision instead of referring to the notes made by someone else in their language.

Here are some tips on how to make revision notes for JEE Main –

Ø  Make notes in a separate copy – Many students prefer to mark notes in their books only. While it may be convenient for some, it is always better to make a separate notebook to make notes so that all the notes are stored in a single place and you don’t have to open different books to refer to the notes of different topics.

Ø  Make memory maps for prolonged memory – Memory maps are a really good technique to improve memory as our minds are better equipped to remember pictures better than text. So, students can opt to make memory maps wherever they find it necessary but should make them concise and on point instead of making them elaborate.

Ø  Use a highlighter to mark in a book – For students who still like to mark important points in the book, they can use a highlighter instead of underlining which makes it easier for the eyes to spot the key points that you chose to mark as notes. Use different colour highlighters to differentiate but be careful not to highlight too many points and make the book look clumsy.

Ø  Try to make running notes in class – The best manner of making notes is to make running notes in the class when a topic is being taught by the teacher as it helps you to jot down the important points as well as any doubts that might occur in that instance. Teachers might tell things or shortcuts that cannot be found in books. Hence, it is imperative that the student is attentive in the class to catch those key points and note them down in a notebook.

Ø  Write important questions as well in notes – While practising questions, you may also come across some questions that you may want to mark for another look in the future because of the concepts that it uses, so you can simply copy down that question in your notes copy so that you are able to easily refer to it whenever you want. The more you solve such questions, again and again, the better these questions and their concepts will get stored in your mind.

Ø  For chemistry notes, use different coloured pens for better understanding – While making chemistry notes, you can use different coloured pens to write different reactions or compounds, in order to remember better. You can also use the same colour of pen to write down the name of the compound as the actual colour of the compound as it will help to remember the colour of the given compound as it is often asked in qualitative analysis about the colours of compounds.

Ø  Divide your notes into headings, subheadings and well-defined points – It can make your notes quite clumsy or unkept if you randomly jot down notes without following any specific order in paragraphs instead of making points. It would trouble you in the future when you are going to revise as you would not understand which topic is being explained that would destroy the purpose of making notes. Hence, it is better to bifurcate any topic into several headings, subheadings and subheadings to make it easier to remember the content in your head.

Ø  Make a habit of keeping a proper index in notes copy – For whatever topic that you are studying, make it a habit to enter it into the index of your notes copy with the specified page number so that it makes it easier for you to find a given topic in the future simply by referring to the index. It is almost a given that one notebook won’t be able to contain the complete notes of any given subject so making and maintaining an index would help in the long run in identifying easily which topics are present in which notebook.

Ø  Wherever needed, provide reference of concepts – There would also be some concepts which are quite big and you won’t be able to make concise notes no matter how much you try to. In such cases, it is better to simply provide a reference of where to find the given topic and in which book so that you are able to revise that topic properly.


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