Updated Top Best Free High PR Microblogging Sites List 2024

Microblogging sites are one of the best effective off-page activity in seo. These sites are very useful to search engine optimization.

Before best free microblogging sites list for 2024, You should know about microblogging websites.

What is a Microblogging Sites

Microblogging platforms are medium of publishing any kind of information or views by  bloggers on social media platforms like Twitter. This method of sharing information to promote your blog is termed as microblogging. Twitter is a significant example of a Best microblogging sites which contains external links to a specific group. Microblogging also emphasizes on inter-connecting users in social media thus helping in exchanging messages and posts and provides an option for instant messaging.

Microblogging Sites

Here we have made a list of top free microblogging sites which is very helpful to increase rank on all search engine.

Free Microblogging Sites List

1) Twitter

Twitter is the most popular microblogging site and is ranked top among all other sites. Twitter is the most frequently used website by n no of people ranging from normal group of people to celebrities and politicians.

2) Tumblr

Tumblr is one of the best platform for share images, videos, links, articles and many more.  It is one of the best free microblogging sites.

This site allows the bloggers to post their URL directly here which in turn reduces the traffic and provides better SEO via google search.

3) Scoop.it

Scoop.it is a top most rated social bookmarking and microblogging site. Scoop.it is a Content marketing software company based in San Francisco, California. The company operates the Scoop.it platform, a Content curation service, and markets its content marketing software to businesses. Wikipedia

4) Pinterest

This site encourages bloggers to post photos along with text or information which reaches the subscribers. Pinterest is a web and mobile application company that operates a software system designed to discover information on the World Wide Web, mainly using images and on a shorter scale, GIFs and videos.Wikipedia

5) Flattr

This site is ranked the highest site in terms of SEO and has more domain ownership. Flattr is a Swedish-based microdonation subscription service where subscribers opt-in to pay a monthly patronage to help fund their favourite websites and creators. Wikipedia

8) Reddit

This site is capable of fetching more posts popularity and views which is in turn a emerging microblogging site. Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members. Wikipedia

7) Yammer

This site serves as a best foundation for social and private group of professionals for promoting their products. Yammer is a freemium enterprise social networking service used for private communication within organizations. Wikipedia

8) Meetme

Meetme blog provides an opportunity to interact with new people and facilitates online chat facility too. Quepasa Corporation was a US-based social media technology company catering to Latin Audiences worldwide. Wikipedia

9) VK

VK is a Russian online microblogging and social networking site. It is available in several languages but it is especially popular among Russian-speaking users.

10) Apsense

Apsense is one of the most popular social networking sites now a days to connect people with each other and share images, videos and article. Apsense helps to grow your business in branding and making more popular.

Top 10  Microblogging Websites List Manual Updated 2024 

Sr # Microblogging Websites Name Microblogging Websites URL Domain Authority
1 Twitter https://twitter.com/ 94
2 Tumblr https://www.pinterest.com/ 94
3 Pinterest https://www.scoop.it/ 92
4 Scoop.it https://www.reddit.com/ 92
5 Reddit https://digg.com/ 92
6 Meetme https://getpocket.com/ 91
7 Flattr https://flipboard.com/ 91
8 Get Pocket https://www.tumblr.com/ 86
9 FlipBoard https://flattr.com/ 71
10 Digg https://www.meetme.com/ 67

Best Free Microblogging Sites List 2024

Sr # Microblogging Websites List DA PA
1 vk.com 96 86
2 medium.com 95 83
3 twitter.com 94 100
4 www.pinterest.com 94 97
5 digg.com 92 82
6 www.scoop.it 92 74
7 www.livejournal.com 92 99
8 slashdot.org 92 76
9 www.reddit.com 92 91
10 getpocket.com 91 77
11 flipboard.com 91 73
12 kinja.com 91 64
13 www.plurk.com 89 70
14 www.instapaper.com 88 72
15 www.tumblr.com 86 100
16 www.pearltrees.com 86 72
17 ello.co 81 67
18 mix.com 81 63
19 gab.com 80 64
20 lockerdome.com 78 58
21 www.apsense.com 73 62
22 www.yammer.com 71 64
23 flattr.com 71 64
24 www.folkd.com 69 69
25 www.meetme.com 67 59
26 ttlink.com 59 60
27 micro.blog 57 58
28 www.bagtheweb.com 51 58
29 www.rememble.com 44 48
30 www.wibki.com 44 46
31 uniquethis.com 43 50
32 www.unitymix.com 41 51
33 posteezy.com 40 50

Benefits of Microblogging Sites

Nowadays many people invest their crucial time in voicing their views in the form of microblogging in social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.

Likewise any other site, microblogging also has its own pros and cons. Let’s look into the brighter and beneficiary side of microblogging sites.

Less time -consuming process

Unlike blogging which requires lot of time for exploring and venturing into the topic before posting it officially, microblogging consumes less time as the name itself specifies ie micro posts. There is a common rule that posts in twitter should comprise of not more than 140 characters. Since only short posts are allowed bloggers can keep updating new posts on hourly basis too. This instant method of posting is not feasible in traditional blogging method as the blogger will have to invest more time on researching.

Voicing opinions on recent trends

Microblogging features on exploring new trends on social media and provides freedom for users to voice their views and suggestions on specific trends.


Microblogging sites like Twitter is accessed by all celebrities, politicians and business magnets and normal people in their day to day life. This enables a medium of good connectivity among them and helps bloggers to see the latest updates or news posted by them.

Better Social Interaction and Promotion

Since microblogging sites like Twitter allows you to update your status no of times it is comforting to express your views in less no of words and targets audience well since the posts are concise. This is not very encouraging in case of sharing posts and videos in Facebook as it seems frustrating. Microblogging involves shorter posts or texts which many users prefer to read when compared to long boring posts. Nowadays Instagram and Twitter are readily available and optimized on smartphones as apps and these posts would be readily accessible to regular subscribers anywhere at any time.

Interaction with multiple users

Microblogging targets a huge no of audience and therefore it allows interaction with n no of people simultaneously.

Sub link to Main Blog

Microblogging is the predominant way to share information and therefore can link this to your main blog to increase social promotion.

Pros of a Short URL

URL shortener is a boon when using Twitter to post a tweet or update worth 140 characters, thus giving you ample space to describe your webpage well.

Short URL’s can appear clearly and easy to copy and paste in the Email subject rather than longer URL’s which tend to break or disappear once you hit send.

Below are the cons of Microblogging Site.

Cons of a Short URL

Shortened URL’S work on a predefined Service which is running in the background. In case there is any problem with the Service none of the created shortened links will work.

Some services do not provide a redirect and Search Engine Optimization fails wherein search engines fail to recognize the redirect.

Shortened URL’s leave the users with ambiguity on where they are redirected and whether they are being redirected correctly.

Poor Rating due to SEO Drawback

Since microblogging comprises of relatively small posts or texts it is tedious for the search engine to find what kind of blog it is. This in turn can have adverse effects on your SEO, making your blog the underrated one. Traditional blogs are best considering this aspect of SEO.

Content too precise

Creating a microblog with not more than 140 characters is a challenging task. So if you are looking to express your views in a blog post in a brighter level, microblogging should be kept out of focus or ruled out. It is wiser to choose traditional blog in case of such discrepancies to create a detailed blog.

Limited Themes

Microblogging websites like Tumblr have limited number of templates or plugins to use. Hence it is more comfortable to use WordPress for your microblogs which not supports traditional blogs but also provides extended support for microblogs.


Microblogging enhances growth of your website by optimizing the performance along with its viability. Thus, microblogging has become indispensable and futuristic in the minds of business people for promoting their social blogs with the ease of shorter texts and posts which impresses vast range of audience.

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