Pros and Cons of Higher Education in the Modern World

Education is an ancient and important means of human, society, and civilization development. It reached its apogee only with the creation of a university education. It remains indisputable that fact that universities have formed and won a key role in the educational and cultural life of all countries and today they are at the top of the educational pyramid. However, modern realities are such that very often the sought-after specialist must have much more practical skills than theoretical knowledge.

Higher Education in the Context of Public Policy

It is known that the requirements for training a specialist proceed from the general economic and social goals of the state. Where state policy is based on the priorities of education, progressive social changes and cultural transformations appear rather quickly. States that focus on education also have serious requirements for future professionals, who must constantly confirm the acquired qualifications during education in order to get a master’s or a doctoral degree. Future graduates should be prepared to take difficult exams, and one of the ways to do it is to take special preparation courses. You can read more and choose the most suitable one here essay writing services like

In the meantime, it’s hard to argue with numbers. The increase in the educational level of workers provides in the USA, Germany, Japan up to 40–60% of the increase in national income.

All this confirms the important role of higher education in the life of modern society. The global changes that are occurring in the world community expand the economic, social, informational interaction and interdependence of various states. It also gives rise to general trends in higher education, despite national historical differences.

Modern Higher Education Trends

The analysis of the works of the leading comparativists makes it possible to identify the main trends in the development of higher education in the world. These include:

  • mass character,
  • continuity,
  • diversification
  • increase of fundamentality
  • international integration
  • integration with science and industry.

Thus, higher education is no longer a privilege, it becomes a social need of modern society. The Americans were the first to take the path of mass higher education and created high competition in the labor market and the absence of any guarantees of employment. This gives reason to say that higher education does not always mean a ticket to a happy future.

Higher Education Downsides to Take Into Account

A number of reasons indicate that higher education does not always act as an advantage for the future specialist.

  1. The first reason is similar training programs. When studying, each student can meet a discipline that can hardly be useful to him in the future, as a specialist, but which he must necessarily know.
  2. The second reason is the quality of teaching. In some universities, an exam or a test can be obtained by using essay services, which reduces the usefulness of the learning process.
  3. The third reason is the lack of job security. Many employers require to have work experience, which is often impossible after graduation.

Thus, each student or future student will independently be responsible for his choice. In any case, higher education is not the panacea of the complexities of the real world.

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