Steps To Getting Started With App Development For Small-Scale Businesses

app for small business

App development has been growing by leaps and bound over the years now. The reported Apple App Store earning had everyone interested in apps more since 2014. For big organizations investing in an app is no problem but small businesses face major obstacles when it comes to developing an app.

The app development process is an intricate one and takes a lot of time and dedication before launching an incredible app. It is not just limited to the cost of app development but also on how to make it noticeable in the crowded marketplace.

For all this, you need to have the right strategy in place from the onset. Let’s delve into some of the steps by means of which you can accomplish the right strategy.

Step 1: App development

Many organizations outsource their app development process but it can get tricky if your developer and you are not on the same page. It is said that you should treat your app development just as you would a freelance project. This way you will be able to check the progress of its completion and have a timeline.

So to address this in a better way, one should know what they want with this app of theirs. Questions like what elements are essential to the app or the ultimate goal of developing this app must be answered. This way you will begin on the right foot.

Get on board with the developer and clearly communicate what you expect out of the app. And not just over the telephone but face-to-face (such as on Skype). If it is a software app you desire, tell him that. If you want the app to serve as an integration for an e-commerce platform, let him know and so on so forth.

When you have understood each other well, discuss the disbursements plan and whether or not you will be making part payments on the accomplishment of certain milestones etc.

Step 2: App approval

The next logical step is to submit it for review on the application store such as Google Play or App Store. Make sure you have gone through each platform’s guidelines when submitting your app for review, in addition to policies and agreements therein.

Also, keep in mind your app should be tested for quality and you should be aware of how to determine your app’s content rating. Look for Mobile Games Developer in UAE. In the case you fail to comply with either Google or Apple guidelines, your app submission will be subject to needless delays concerning approval.

Step 3: App downloads

Similar to SEO, there is App Store Optimization (ASO) which allows for your apps to rank higher in the online store. According to one study, 63% of the app are searched by users on the app store and the higher an app ranks, the greater are the chances for it to be downloaded.

This also ensures increased visibility for your app’s page in the app store and thus, more traffic lands on that page. ASO can be practiced if you are aware of what your target audience desires. Without this, you will remain in the dark as to what keywords they use when carrying out searches for downloading apps.

For a small business, it is imperative that their homework is thorough or how else they will have the understanding of the most sought-after keywords. On the flip side, if you are a big brand, your app automatically gets the upper hand in the search result due to a phenomenon called affinity marketing.

The ideal way to boost your ASO and subsequent downloads is by placing the relevant keywords or a single phrase in the title of your app. Again, a thorough research is required on your part for this. Another way to achieve this is by providing your app’s link via your website which directs them to store.

In conclusion

The steps above list down ways you can get started with app development if you are a small business.

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