How to Send a Video Through Email: All Possible Ways

Whether you are promoting a webinar or have a compelling video clip you want to add with an email signature generator, sending videos through email is the right thing to do. Video content is popular because it brings results.

How to Send a Video Through Email


In comparison to marketers that are non-video users, marketers that are video users generate revenue 49% faster. This statistic establishes the fact that video content works because it has good conversion rates.

Ultimately, the goal of each marketing effort is to ensure your customer base increases. But the work only starts after creating compelling content. Regardless of how compelling your content is, if you cannot reach your target audience or the desired number of your target audience, it will be difficult for your business to grow.

Video marketing is among the most popular ways of content, and to reap its benefits, you need to know how to send a video through email, you need to know all possible ways.

Embed with HTML5    

Video use in email marketing has gone up from 63% to 87% in two years. With more people using video content via email, there are more integration options available. One popular way to do so is to embed video content with HTML5.

There are two ways of integrating videos into your email content, you can either embed a GIF and allow your readers to click on it for a full video, or you can embed a static image with a play button available to view the video content.

For both options, you can embed a video in an email by coding it into the message through HTML5. Embedding videos well can increase open rates and click-through rates. The most significant benefit of embedding videos with HTML5 is that it allows the video content to autoplay without your reader leaving your email. So, this is great for engagement if used currently.

But HTML5 is not compatible for some users, so understand your target audience before embedding this with your email.

Add to attachments


Add to attachments


Before you include any type of video via email, it is important to note that the video file size should not be too large, as it will not go through. For example, you can easily send a video through Gmail. Just attach it to a message. Along with being a compatible size, it is important to ensure that the video file itself is not too long. You want to keep it short and nice.

With any type of email marketing strategy, it is essential to test it out with a small group of your target audience to gauge audience interest and engagement. Then you can blast or tweak this email based on your audience engagement.

When you add a video attachment that is within the size limit, it will ensure that the file is not so large that you lose audience interest. Also, you have the opportunity to build on this engagement.

Add a link from Youtube

If you think of video streaming, chances are you think of Youtube. To meet the users interest in streaming content, individuals and businesses are constantly uploading content to Youtube. Consequently, Youtube is popular among marketing individuals as well. It is a simple way to share your video and allows you to track important metrics like the number of views, which allows you to easily monitor your engagement.

When creating the content, make sure your video provides value to your target audience. To make the most from your Youtube links, make sure you spend as much time packaging the content as you do create it. Add titles and descriptions with target keywords and ensure that they are user-centric. If you can consistently create video content, consider doing so.

Along with adding links to Youtube videos, considering sharing your Youtube channel, so interested individuals can subscribe to your Youtube page and content.

Add a link to your email signature      

An email signature is an awesome place to share anything that complements your email marketing efforts. So, it is a great place to share your videos as well. The goal of each email is to convert your leads into customers, and email signatures allow you to direct leads towards making that journey.

Add a link to your email signature

There are many ways to integrate your video content in your email signature. You can add your Youtube page icon or link or add the video to your banner or button. An email signature is something that your readers see at the end of your message, and video content act as a good call to action or CTA. For example, a link with an enticing CTA can encourage your readers to click on your content and engage with it.

This even increases the possibility of your readers subscribing to your content. Experiment a little with your email signatures and change the placement of your video content and test it out among different segments to find out what works best for you. Once you crack this code, share video content with your email signature accordingly.

Send video link with storage services            

Sometimes a short and sweet video in your email does not cut it, and there is a need to send larger files. Given that email does not support larger files and even if it does get through, there is a risk of your email moving to the spam folder, you need to send large video files with a link with storage services.

For example, you just conducted a webinar, and you want to allow your subscribers to access this content after the webinar, sending the video via email is a great way to thank your subscribers. There are three popular video link storage services: Google Drive, OneDrive, and iCloud. Google Drive is the most common option, and you can simply send a link with the video to your users through Google Drive.

OneDrive works like Google Drive, but it is a feature designed for Outlook. iCloud too is like Google Drive and OneDrive but iCloud is designed for iCloud Mail. Think of your target audience, and based on your mailing list, figure out with storage service is most fitting for your business and share video links with storage services based on the preferred email client of your target audience.

Email marketing and video content are both popular in digital marketing. Integrating these two is a great way to engage and hook your target audience with your client. But with any marketing strategy doing it right is as important as doing it.

Whether you are an individual product or service provider or a business owner or employee, your marketing efforts should include video content. Once you create compelling content, use this guide on how to send a video through email and understand all possible ways to share your video content with your desired audience.

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