How to Write SMART Goals for Educational Technology

How to Write SMART Goals for Educational Technology

Have you ever set a goal but when it came to evaluation you weren’t sure whether you get it or not? To avoid any kind of confusion or hesitation you can start using SMART goals.

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Implementing and incorporating educational technology can be challenging because it is this an evolving process. Using SMART goals for educational technology can help you to set very specific and achievable goals which won’t leave you space for excuses.

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If you want to know more about how to set SMART goals for educational technology, this guide will provide you with all the explanations you need so that you can have a strong start.

Definition of SMART Goals

SMART is an acronym that helps individuals in writing and achieving meaningful and measurable goals.

This acronym stands for specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound.

Because of their efficiency, SMART goals are used in a variety of settings whether it is business, personal use, etc.

They are often used in school settings as well because they help to maintain the discipline in planning and learning new materials. Considering that both students and teachers are still getting used to educational technology, SMART goals can be just the right tool for achieving some measurable results.

Components of SMART Goals

As it was already mentioned, the acronym SMART represents the following aspects: specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound. But let’s address what they really stand for and how we can use them to write goals for educational technology.

Specific – Be very clear and direct about what exactly you want to achieve. Specify which aspects of educational technology need improvement.

Measurable – Writing a goal that is measurable is essential. This means that data can be taken on the goal to provide evidence if it is met or not. Keep notes about the progress of the goal you set for the students or teachers.

Attainable – The goal should be achievable. Meaning that you should set a realistic task for a reasonable amount of time. You can’t expect the students or teachers to completely master a programming class within one week.

Results-focused – Measure an outcome, not an activity or exercise. By analyzing the result’s you’ll be able to have an overview of which parts of tech tools and tasks are useful for students and which don’t bring results.

Time-bound – Setting and attaining short-term goals within targeted dates is an excellent motivation technique which leads to accomplishing long-term goals. You’ll be able to measure more precisely the progress of students and teachers if you set a strict time limit.

How are SMART Goals Beneficial for Educational Technology?

Teachers know what they were taught and they aren’t necessarily equipped or inclined to deal with all the technology available to them and develop ways to apply it to their discipline.

Whether we are talking about a tech-savvy teacher or a teacher who is still struggling with using technology as an every-day tool, implementing the elements of technology in education is still a new challenge to all.

SMART goals deliver clearly defined and realistic goals which help both the teacher and students to follow the plan of using technology tools to aid in the delivery of education.

While teachers are required to set goals for every class, SMART goals can help them to specify which areas of study are the most problematic and how and when they should deal with that.

What to Focus on When Writing SMART goals?

You need to have an idea of what exactly you want to work on within the education technology if you want to make some improvements.

When you are ready to set your SMART goals think about the following guidelines while writing:

  • State the actions you plan to take
  • Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the specific tasks
  • Describe an area of focus for the learning
  • Include the rationale
  • Don’t rush anything but be realistic about how much time you’ll need to achieve each goal
  • Add the activities which will help you to measure the result

SMART Goals Examples

The following examples can serve as an inspiration for writing your own SMART goals.

  • By March 3rd, I will learn how to use a classroom website and then I will introduce it to students.

I will introduce the classroom website for easier communication between students and teachers.

  • By March 15th, I will set up a quiz on the classroom website to question students whether they have accepted the idea of this classroom addition.
  • By June 1st, I will sign up for a technology course that will enhance my teaching.

This will help me to learn new strategies and techniques to enrich my teaching.

  • By September 15th I will introduce what I have learned to my students.

What You Can Include as a Smart Goal for Educational Technology

First of all, let’s just clarify what education technology stands for. Educational technology is a study and ethical practice for facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.

If you aren’t sure about which aspects of education technology you can focus on for your SMART goals, here are a few ideas:

  • Google Classroom usage by staff, students,            and parents
  • Using digital environments and social media for interacting and collaborating with students, experts, or other employees
  • Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and digital technology
  • Model and practice a positive attitude toward using digital technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity
  • Learn and teach how to use technology to help students with writing help by essayservice
  • Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies


This can be the year that you decide to commit to integrating technology in education effectively and this guide on how to write SMART goals will help you to achieve that.

Setting SMART goals can lead to the successful development of educational technology which will impact every aspect of your future. They can empower students and teachers to focus on the task of learning and improving the quality of education which will equip you for the future.

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