How your Business can Capitalize on Facebook Live?

Facebook Live Marketing

Almost 1 billion users worldwide on Facebook stand to the top among the world’s most prominent social media for business marketing. Facebook Live influences a digital marketing strategy to a new level by hardening the power of social video in several ways never performed before for better brand followers engagement. Recently, the businesses are likely purchasing the bulk Facebook followers from service providers like Flymesocial for immediate recognization purposes.

Facebook Live Marketing

Facebook Live Marketing thrives to enhance the Live broadcast of business promotion. An exclusive mobile app feature from Facebook for allowing users to have a live conversation for any purpose. Facebook Live lets users have Live Stream videos of a maximum 30 minutes duration after the session ends. The time limit for every Live Stream on PC lasts over 8 hours, and mobile lasts over 4 hours. The users who follow you can watch your real-time through living. It is a cardinal feature for businesses to generate an impressive engagement on your brand events, announcements, webinars, Interviews by allowing your audience to look into it. This highly elevates the brand followers’ community and makes your business capitalized.

How Facebook Live Marketing Works?

How Facebook Live Marketing Works


Many marketers are actioned to go brand promotion through video marketing as it works globally by reaching a huge audience via a Facebook platform every day. The Live event builds unique features for audience engagement by insisting on delivering reactions and generating more interactions on the conversation puddle about the product. It supports the promotion boost by paid ads to reach the maximum viewers than your regular audience.

How to Use Facebook Live on a Business Page?

As Facebook Live receives engagement five times than static photo posts, it acts as a simulator tool for your business. The following ways you should be using to capitalize your business on Facebook Live are:

1. Live Stream Events:

When your business hosts carnival or events, Live-Streaming allows engaging with your customers and followers. The chances can be you will have plenty of followers for your Identity who are interested to attend the event but cannot afford the service. To fill the audience panel with your real customers, make campaigning filled with keynote speakers, distinct sessions, and other aspects of the event. The best-viewed sessions can be cropped and converted into stand-alone videos later.

2. Behind-the-Scenes Content:

Give Behind the Scenes information about your business. Share the details on product creation, teamwork, delivery management. Audiences are interested in watching the off-limits information.

3. Showcase Interview:

Include the video of Interviews on your company’s workers, clients, and related people in your industry. Brands are explored with the feedback of the consumer and the people that are a part of it; their statements furnish your quality, and your audience will listen.

Facebook Live Customization     

Facebook Live videos can be formatted with the ultimate keyword along with valuable descriptions for better engagement and keyword-rich as you like. Start by writing a captivating headline for your video that will appear in users’ news feeds to grab their attention on it. The people will click on to check what it speaks and look for the existence of what they expect. You can also filter your audience for the videos by grouping the audiences with relevant segments, can provide access to select the groups to view your video, or allow it to be viewed by everyone.

The created video plays on Facebook; you will see a constant range of data indicates the number of viewers watching on it. You can invite the selective viewers to subscribe on your page and the followers can turn into a long term customer; every time the new video created by you will appear in people’s newsfeed will enable a consistent flow on your post. For all your Live Stream, once completed with video activities, it will be saved on your Facebook profile. Any changes need to be made on the video that can be made after being saved on your wall.

You can make additional features to your video with feedback ad options and call to action button.

Benefits of Using Facebook Live

1. Saves Time


Benefits of Using Facebook Live

Creating a Live video can consume less time instead of a pre-recorded video and be more efficient. Live videos allow you to invest minimum time into production than pre-recorded content. The superior characteristic of live videos is they are raw, non-editable, and less highly produced. It apparent real-time content to make real-time engagement. Businesses can interact while recording a video and answering the questions later.

2. Builds Community

To determine the target audience and what kind of content to be produced for setting up a required community who can connect your business with can be customized on Facebook Live. Facebook Live offers a good opportunity to connect with consumers in real-time. The communities generate the conversation through comments that will help to take your audience behind the scenes supports for more engagement.

3. Cost Controlled

Facebook Live acts as a cost-effective tool for your marketing approach, using engaging content. The source requirements for this operation are handheld devices, a smartphone in a decent quality camera along with an internet connection, and host by proper management.

Facebook Live – Video Strategy

The arrival of Facebook Live has brought tremendous changes for content development in the online world. More than 94% of people in the US use Live Streaming with Facebook video posts for all types of business. It comes with using business video strategy while broadcast which follows below:

  1. Promote your brand before the broadcast
  2. Make limited distractions
  3. Formated decision making
  4. Regulate post timing
  5. Post-Constant Content
  6. Give a Responsive reply
  7. Create Entertaining Moment
  8. Make other channels to promote
  9. Generate analytics
  10. Improve quality

Actions to be performed at Live Stream

1. Give Context

While going Live, the first thing you perform is introducing yourself to the audience with your planned agenda will give your viewers a clear note on what they are getting into. Also, you can let them know about the questions segment during your stream. It is not necessary to populate questions in your Live Stream separately and can be flashed on dynamically while actioning with the session. So that the users will make use of comment area throughout your broadcast and respond to questions.

2. Speak to the audience

Actions to be performed at Live Stream


You must give a shout-out to the audiences who engage with you. Respond to them with answers, and you can make it by mentioning their names for the questions. It highly works on the way to make your audience experience as they are specially considered and appreciated. The left comments can be answered later, and it helps to cultivate a community. Every user would feel as if they are recognized and enjoy the event.

3. Make use of the experience

Facebook Live creates an entertaining experience for your followers, and it can be amplified by making further interaction to engage with them constantly. The event should not exist for only media coverage, and it needs to be an interactive forum to get better user experience. Having fun on Live does not make the information insane. The advantage of using Facebook Live is engaging users instantly with no source support problem by using more than one device simultaneously.

4. Ask them to subscribe

After completing your event broadcast remind viewers to subscribe to your page for future notifications on each time you go live. You also direct the viewers to your page, site, any other channel like Instagram page and ebook once your video stream ends by using call-to-action. You must thank your audience after the scheduled event ends with a note “Thanks for watching” and intimate the next scheduled Facebook Live date by triggering the user for expectation on your video.

Facebook Live Streaming with ads

Facebook Live Ads

During a live video broadcast, you can create an option to take a break for a moment in order to avoid making boredom the audience. You can utilize the break moments by having an ad play during that time. The audience will be shown a brief Facebook video ad about your business or a relevant masterpiece intermediate and live broadcast would resume.

Being possible to parse a live video ad on your broadcast is the efficient one that Facebook can do to impress massive audiences. It should be handled by ensuring the ads you choose to broadcast do not lose the viewers. It could potentially help the ad revenue and also makes users stick around the session of your live video.

Inserting an ad break is simple. For Instance, three minutes of ad into your Live broadcast for your targeted cold audience members can find a blue $ mark in the comments with a notification message saying, “You can have a pause now.” Your live video broadcast will resume back after the ad ends.

Top 5 Facebook Live Streaming Video has really worked

Regardless of the scale of your business, each of the below ideas can be utilized and implemented by variating to fit your business.

1. Starbucks

Everybody is aware of Starbucks for its compelling and wide choice of refreshing, preferable as coffee, tea, and delicious treats. Their first event regards voting in 2016, board to the road at Rufus King Park in Jamaica, NY, on National Voter Registration Day. It was held successfully by yielding several advantages.

Initially, it has explored by gaining attention due to involvement in the community and allowed the non- participant viewers to make let know about its importance and cause.

The event was represented by a couple of Starbuck teams, roaring at the grounds of the park and received a variety of people participating in it. Later their attention directed towards a stage speaker and ended up with a viewer’s engagement to pose questions and getting replies at the promotion session.

2. Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart is well known as a go-to leader for cooking all the time. She expanded her digital outreach using Facebook Live, streaming with videos of discovering new recipes, how-to, AMA, and behind the scenes look of her daily life and covering tutorials with cakes.

She hosts a festive tutorial video along with Kevin Sharkey about the preparation segment on the holidays, also shared outdoor designing ideas using various decorative methods. She progressed with reminding the viewers continuously covering the product purchase areas supports a huge win on this video; the Live Streaming creates an opportunity to call-to-action of sorts for directing to the Home Depot.

At the end of the tutorial, she and her guest also attempted Question and Answers to keep viewers engaged and sticking on it.

3. Sephora

A multinational beauty store used Facebook Live is AMAs (or Ask Me Anythings) with special guests so that people will be interested in interaction with rather than a normal presenter.

This technique is attracted by many people and relies on the once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity. As it stays, the users wait to prolong until their questions picked have long term engagement on the forum.

Sephora invited Jen Atkin of Quai Haircare to gesture on beauty tips, trends, and related blocks around 30 minutes. He gave much information from discussion with the host, followed by the questions picked from the live chat feed of the general audience. Being more informative, they both could advertise their products as offering solutions to the user’s problems. It worked well and resulted in many viewers were researching for the recommended product online and purchasing them based on the reviews at the portal.

4. Mashable

Another important outlet for Facebook Live is the idea of daily shows and series. It creates a consistent following on the needed particulars and attains a good response.

A Media company has excelled in this concept defined as “Mashable” on the live show named, ‘Mash on This’. The host, Dory Greenberg, performed “a 10 in 10 rundowns”- the internet has to offer.

Live videos like this can deliver a huge amount of important trending notes in a short period of time. There are many fantastic ways of attracting impress users and make them stay up-to-date.

It handles the question and answers, comments section as a minute task that uses to create maximum viewer engagement.

Top mistakes to be avoided while Live Streaming

While ready to go on Facebook Live, it is necessary to avoid the following common mistakes.

1. Does not have a Master Plan

Generally, many viewers like millennials welcome the non-scripted, spontaneous content for the Live. But that cannot mean you must go with a completely unplanned one. You have to make some predefined plans about the video goal, a story to tell, whom you are going to tell, and how you go with. This makes sense to the unplanned video by directing towards the expected result.

2. Does not selecting the optimal time to go Live

For all social media posts, it is mandatory to check the optimal and suboptimal times for your Live Facebook video broadcast. Usually many fail to choose the right optimal time for going live, it depends on the video base content and target audience. For Instance, If your small business sells speakers, you should not go live with your speaker market video on a weekday morning while your target audience is held with their work of maximum time. A better time to make this on the weekend where the users are likely thinking to make leisure with the music stuffs like songs would show interest in your broadcast.

3. Does not raise the followers a heads-up

You must let your followers be aware of when your video goes live. It is important to promote your forthcoming Live on Facebook and also on other media channels like Twitter for better follow up. By updating the cover photos on your media channels to get noticed towards the post through giving a perfect pre-notice under the average amount of reminder. Also, intimate followers to tap the Follow button on Live to get the previously broadcasted video and upcoming live info.

4. Does not offer followers a reason to watch

Usually, business videos are not letting followers know whey they have to watch your video. To make you watch your video, give them a good reason for it by sharing a compelling note description of the upcoming video in advance. This enchants the followers to follow up on your post for the expected video based on their interest and enables them to feel a well-spent time by watching your video.

5. Does not reuse the video

After your Live Stream gets ended, your video is no longer live but stayed in your Facebook page, you can reuse the video in other social channels such as YouTube, your website or blog and other relevant areas to reach the widest possible audience. Use multiple unique, relevant keywords in your video’s title to attract Google search engine users for high display.

While you do not like to make more mistakes on your Facebook Live video leads to be a flop, encounter Live Streaming with proper planning.


Facebook Live videos will upgrade to grow in reliable responses and stay as an essential tool in elevating company visibility and engaging consumers. It is a supergood medium for fostering your brand, getting out your message for the audience, and developing a community on your Facebook page. Stay tuned for future updates and additional features to use Facebook Live for your business.

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