The 20 minute Twitter Audit


Digital marketing strategies need to be reviewed every once in a while to make sure the same is working fine on delivering the desired result to your brand. Social Media Marketing is an important segment of digital marketing. Twitter ranks among the top 10 social media platforms in the world. Like any other digital marketing strategy, your Twitter marketing strategies also need to be revisited periodically to ensure higher engagements, leads, and return on investment.

A Twitter audit will help you ensure the effectiveness of the activities done through your Twitter account. It helps you to evaluate the overall performance of your Twitter account in terms of tweets, followers, and profiles. By conducting a twitter audit, you will be able to update your Twitter marketing strategies to bring them in line with what’s trending in the market.

In this blog, we have presented a step-by-step guide on conducting a 20-minute Twitter audit.

How to Conduct a Twitter Audit?

How to Conduct a Twitter Audit

A twitter audit is conducted in three stages. Given below is a step-by-step guide to conducting a Twitter audit:

1. Auditing Your Tweets

  • Conducting an audit of your tweets is important to identify tweets that are not in line with your brand and business along with the ones that are increasing your brand’s advocacy.
  • You need to gather all your tweets in one place to run a detailed check. One can download a spreadsheet of your tweets by accessing the “Tweets” tab on your Twitter account.

Auditing Your Tweets


  • You can also gather your tweet report with the help of social media management platforms. There are the best social media management tools available on the Internet. Use a reliable one after conducting thorough research on the same.

How to review your tweets?

  • The Tweet spreadsheet will have details like reach, engagements, retweets, likes, responses, and more.
  • Based on the above factors, you should be able to figure out which tweets are getting more attention from your audience.
  • Also, analyze the frequency of your tweets. Posting too often or too less might also affect your marketing strategy. Decide an appropriate frequency for your tweets.
  • Another important point to be noted is the use of hashtags? Your tweets should not have too many or too few hashtags.
  • Identify old and irrelevant tweets and delete them. If they serve no purpose to your business, there is no point keeping them.

What to do next?

  • Update your tweeting strategy. Create a proper guideline for all your future tweets based on frequency, content, hashtags, etc, and implement the same at the earliest.

2. Auditing your follower base

The second stage involves an examination of your followers. You might be having a huge follower base. But just a huge follower base is not going to do the needful. Your followers need to represent your target audience.

If they don’t, you might be missing out on engagements. Fewer engagements imply less chance to build your brand name, as your followers will not be genuinely interested in your content.

  • Twitter does not have any specific feature to examine your followers. You can do so with the help of certain Twitter Audit tools.

Auditing your follower base

  • You will find various tools on the Internet that will help you in conducting an audit of your Twitter follower base.

How to review your followers?

  • Try to identify fake followers or the ones that do not have any genuine interest in your brand/product. Based on the number of low-quality followers, the tool will generate an audit score.
  • If your audit score is low, you need to update your followers’ strategy.
  • You should also identify your top followers. Your top followers are the ones who are talking about your online, advocates your brand or post online content that positively affects your brand name. Your top followers are the prized assets of your brand.
  • Analyze your followers based on different demographics like age, gender, interests and more.

What to do next?

  • Get rid of fake and low-quality followers. You can also come up with ways to make them interested in your brand.
  • Reward your top followers wit varying offers to thank them for their loyalty towards your brand. Such gestures boost their confidence towards your brand
  • After analyzing followers based on different factors, arrange your content in a more planned way to cater to their varying needs. Post relatable content to make your followers feel more valued.

Whom do you follow?

  • One important aspect of this stage is an analysis of the accounts you follow. Whom you follow is also an important determinate of your Twitter strategies. Those accounts/profiles must be a part of your target audience.
  • Identify the ones that are not in line with goals and unfollow them.

3. Profile Audit

The final stage of the audit is an audit of your overall Twitter profile. A good twitter profile is the one, which makes a new visitor immediately recognize the brand and develop an interest in its business.

  • Start with your profile bio. Is your bio creative enough to catch the attention of the readers? Does it align with your brand’s goals?

Profile Audit


  • If the answers to the above questions are no, then rework on your bio, make it attractive and in line with your brand.
  • The pictures used in your profile can help in creating brand awareness among your twitter audience.
  • Is your profile and cover picture representing your brand well? If no, then you might consider changing it.
  • Digital marketing experts suggest uploading your brand logo as your social media profile pictures.
  • Use the right dimension of pictures for profile photo as well as the cover pic to make it appear appealing.


It is recommended to conduct a quick 20-minute Twitter audit once in a month to ensure a good return on investment coupled with a positive brand image. Digital Marketing algorithms change every minute in this dynamic technological era. The more frequent is your audit, the more updated you are with ongoing trends.

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