Tips To Improve Your Content Marketing

Tips To Improve Your Content Marketing

Content Marketing has got much-deserved attention from marketers very recently. Until recently, digital marketing use to revolve around SEO, Adwords, Social media and Email.

The irony is content is an integral part of all these types of marketing, still, it took time to identify the worth of content and dedicate specific strategies to content marketing.

Better late than never, now “90% of organizations use content marketing”! Wow, that’s almost everybody. No wonder why there is so much content on the internet and how we find content for anything and everything in Google.

But are all these organizations are able to fetch the full potential of content marketing. Let’s see:

54% of B2B marketers find it difficult to produce engaging content” “62% of B2B marketers use infographics

That’s where the problem lies. It’s like SEO, everybody is doing it but there is only one first position holder because that business is doing it right. Thankfully content doesn’t work like that. There is no single platform or a single position. If you do it right, you get the desired result.

The real challenge is producing quality and engaging content which takes the attention of the audience. This is no easy.

 engaging content

How to produce consistent engaging content? It is where most of the businesses fail. All you need is good and useable content marketing tips which will guide in producing great content.

Let’s look at a few tips to produce the content your audience will love

1. Produce Quality Content not Marketing Content

quality concept

This tip seems obvious. The content we publish every time is of high quality with high-end vocabulary and sentence formation. If your understanding of quality content is this, then I pardon to change your thought process.

Quality content is the content which adds value to your potential customer. The content which educates them solves their queries, gives them a new perspective.

This kind of quality content will build trust in your audience. You should be smart enough to slide your product or service information in the article which should look effortless.

The other option is to use the real estate of the article and place compelling ads with offers of your product. But the whole gist is to serve valuable content to the end user.

The main reason why marketers reach saturation level in producing content is that they always write about their product or service in various ways.

Obviously how much one can write about the same thing again and again. The solution is to write the content which pleases the audience and slide your brand information smartly.

2. Repurpose Old Content and Breathe Fresh Air

Repurpose Old Content

This may seem like a contradictory to the previous tip, but it is not. Producing valuable content takes your time and energy. The smart way to make the best out of available content is repurposed it.

What is repurposing?

Say you have written a series of article about “How to build and host a website in WordPress?”

This article is receiving a good response in the search engine. How to repurpose it?

  1.       Convert this article into a video; either animation or a real video. Post it on YouTube. Boom! You have one more channel to receive views.
  2.       Plan for a webinar and do marketing for webinar registration like Email marketing and give an option for blog viewers to register for the webinar.
  3.       Make small clippings of the YouTube video and promote it on various social media channels for webinar registration or to increase views of the YouTube video which can be embedded in your website.

3. Don’t just create one-off pieces of content. Create a series of posts for repeat traffic

Create a series of posts for repeat traffic

In order to reengage your content and ensure returning traffic, always publish a series of content rather than single content. Let’s take the previous example “How to build and host a website in WordPress?”

instead of making a single article, make it into 3- 4 parts. The benefit of this type of writing is invaluable.

The visitor spends more time on your website and consumes more content, you can easily trade the email id of the user to deliver other parts of the series and add them to your email marketing list!

4. Visualize your message. Slide shares, videos, and infographics

Visualize your message

“An image speaks 1000 words”. I would say stick this statement in your workstation if you are content marketers.

We always feel content is nothing but words, but how wrong we are! Content constitutes of any form which delivers the message like images, infographics, videos, SlideShare etc. These are actually the efficient form of delivering content.

In this fast moving life, no one has time to read long articles. They would prefer a shortcut which can give them the message.

Hence one of the important repurposing ways is to convert the article into infographic, video and slide share and enhance the engagement factor of the content.

5. Produce content that is conversational so it is more relatable and engaging

Gone are the days when content seems to be boring, professional and formal. Well, I personally get bored reading such content. It might be still suitable in certain areas like thesis writing, institute SOPs etc, but not in content marketing for sure. The content needs to be conversational, wherein the reader must feel the author to be conversing with them. This way it becomes to comprehend the content. Let’s see

Formal Content

“Quality content adds value to the potential customer. This type of content educates, solves queries, gives a new perspective.

It builds trust among users. Product and service information can be combined in the content or can be advertised in the real estate of the blog. The conclusion is to serve valuable content to the end user.

Conversational Content

“Quality content is the content which adds value to your potential customer. The content which educates them solves their queries, gives them a new perspective. This kind of quality content will build trust in your audience.

You should be smart enough to slide your product or service information in the article which should look effortless.

The other option is to use the real estate of the article and place compelling ads with offers of your product. But the whole gist is to serve valuable content to the end user. “

You have read both kinds of content, now you decide what you want for your blog!

These are just a few tips. You can all the content marketing tips in your detailed blog.

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