Top 7 Open source Project Management Softwares

Top 7 Open source Project Management Softwares

Nowadays, almost all tools are based on web technologies, which allows managers as well as entry-level employees to purposefully participate in a project, each of the 7 projects below has its own advantages. This makes the decision to choose the right software for your project quite difficult. To simplify your solution, I looked at the following tools: WebCollab, Redmine, ClockingIT, Collabtive, EGroupWare, Project-open, and Codendi.

1. WebCollab


WebCollab is an open source (General Public License) project management software that has been around for over ten years. Since 2003, using PHP, the current version of WebCollab is 3.45 and continues to receive support from the developer community, the last update was made in July 2016.

Benefits of WebCollab

  • WebCollab has intuitive screen layouts that make it easy to read tasks. This makes it easy for employees that they don’t require hands-on Agile training to use Webcollab.
  • Each user can be assigned a right and permission to use. Consequently, in a collaboration scenario, teams can have a hierarchical system of control and access.
  • The progress of each task or project can be monitored from a deadline perspective using graphs and other graphical representations. Each change can be highlighted so that users can see the changes.
  • Any new item additions or changes can be emailed to all interested users.
  • It has been in active use for over a decade now and only one security report has been raised so far. WebCollab is definitely secure, stable, and flexible to complete projects quickly and quickly.

Server Requirements

Apache, PHP (with mbstring), MySQL or PostgreSQL


WebCollab, designed for collaborative collaborative project management over the internet, has proven to be a suitable tool for graphically intensive projects as well as projects with multiple task types within tasks.

2. ClockingIT


ClockingIT is a Ruby on Rails project developed by Norwegians Erlend and Ellen Simonsen in 2007. ClockingIT is an irreplaceable open source Task management tool. The developers’ goal in creating ClockingIT is to link the scope of work between consultants and project managers.

ClockingIT advantages

  • Real-time custom updates are possible. All users are allowed to access the widget-based dashboard. These widgets can easily be customizable to reach the project goals and can be added or removed as the project progresses.
  • The update dates are always available, including when the tasks were edited, completed.
  • All charts are displayed using interactive Gantt charts, allowing users to build a list of tasks as they run.
  • Filters can be used seamlessly to improve experience and accuracy. In fact, users can easily save filters such as a quick access option for regular views.
  • Files can be stored and uploaded on ClockingIT, which allows sharing of all project file resources.
  • We can generate the Periodic time tracking reports in CSV format

Server Requirements

Ruby on Rails, MySQL


Users who are looking for quick access and an easy interface to use real-time Gantt charts, ClockingIT is an interactive online project management tool. In essence, it allows for collaborative project management over the Internet, especially where external subject matter experts or technical consultants are involved. Available as a hosted product, the customization area is huge and works like proprietary software for Big organizations.

3. Codendi

Codendi is a Xerox product released in 2009 and will later become available as a collaborative open source solution for lifecycle management of GNU GPL applications. It meets the needs of industrial development with a focus on project development and collaboration. This software is based on the standard open source LAMP architecture (Linux RedHat / CentOS, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and allows employees across the organization to work and manage projects through a simple web interface.

Benefits of Codendi

  • The tool is designed to manage projects for the entire team, which includes project managers, experts and technical leaders, as well as IT managers. Therefore, all stakeholders who are involved in the project become part of the management process.
  • Collaboration is accelerated and processes become reliable, ensuring better project status as well as results.
  • Offers a wide variety of tools to customize project management to suit your industrial needs.
  • Agile Techniques ranging from SCRUM to XP compared to other traditional waterfall lifecycle management systems.
  • Include large scale projects to maintain high quality consistency. With Codendi, platform-based quality processes such as CMMI, ISO9001, ITIL have become possible.

Server Requirements

Apache, MySQL, PHP


All tools are possible as a web application for project management, such as tracker, document manager, CVS and version control code as well as reports.

4. EGroupware


EGroupware is an open source PHP-based software product that enables small businesses as well as enterprises to find project management solutions. Currently available in version 16.1, this is the stable version released in November 2016.

EGroupware Benefits

  • EGroupware manages large projects profitably as it can be accessed through its own web interface as well as supported clients.
  • This allows users across multiple platforms to manage projects, contacts, and worklists. Developed using the X-AMP system, it does not require a special operating system and is therefore available on multiple browser platforms.
  • The informal Infolog magazine is ideal for tasks and note-taking applications. It also has integration with the IMAP webmail client allowing the contact manager to access the SQL / LDP database.
  • Application integration is optimized for project managers, as is resource management or inventory management via calendar in EGroupware.
  • Time and bug tracking apps are integrated so that project managers have better control. Check out SiteMgr, which is a web-based authoring system along with advanced access control systems.

Server Requirements

PHP 5.4 required and PHP 7.0 or 5.6 is recommended

MariaDB 5.1+ incl. Galera Cluster, 10.1 or

MySQL 5.1+ recommended, 5.7 or

PostgreSQL 9.1+ recommended


It is a collaborative project management tool for small and midsize businesses looking for the latest solutions on a tight IT budget. Excellent functionality and performance!

5. Collabtive

Collabtive is an open source project management tool. This allows you to create task lists for your project team and communicate with members via messages. Once logged in, you can create projects and add as many users as you like to discuss current work (although this is not necessary).

To use Collabtive you need PHP. However, you can use software like XAMPP or WAMP to get PHP support. Once that’s done, the rig becomes a piece of cake. Download Collabtive and extract all files to a folder that you put in the directory of the software you are using (XAMPP for example). Find a file named “install.php” in this folder and open it. Enter the required details and open “index.php”.

Collabtive is an awesome software because its interface is simple but stylish. Now there is a plugin for users to create a Gantt chart. There are many other benefits as well:

  • You can create an unlimited number of projects, milestones and task lists
  • Receive email notifications
  • Customize themes
  • UTF-8 support
  • Unlimited users
  • Messaging and instant messaging

6. Project open

Project-open is more than just a project manager. It has all the tools you need for portfolio management and enterprise resource planning (ERP). In other words, the project has everything you need to run a small business such as resource management, timesheets, human resource planning, etc.

With the release of version 5.1, this software solution will become one of the best project management tools on the market. Most of the project colleagues are openly focused only on tasks related to the project, such as creating tasks and monitoring them. This software, on the other hand, has all the features that can be customized according to the requirements of the organization.

You can select all the components that you want your users to see when configuring the software, as well as who will have access to each component. As your requirements grow (for example, your business expands), you always include other modules to extend the functionality of the software without having to re-configure everything.

While it’s free to open a project, you can always spend a little more to get better service, extensions, and even training. You don’t even need to host the project on your own servers. You can subscribe to the team working on the project and they will post the software along with other questions.

For Windows users, Setup supports Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server, and Windows Server 2012 (x64 Standard). More information is available on their installers’ web page.

7. Redmine

Redmine is an interactive open source project management tool that is ideal for problem management. It’s easy to use as you just need to include a few collaboration tools, version control, and other basic functionality you need to manage your project. It is a free and open source tool for simple tasks in an organization such as maintenance.

Redmine can run on all popular systems like Windows, Linux, Mac or Unix. Ruby is the main requirement in this case. You can read about Redmine support, compatibility issues, database requirements and installation procedures on its website.

Some of the good things about Redmine:

  • You can upgrade tickets in batch
  • Different users can have different roles set for several projects.
  • Supports 34 languages
  • Features are not extensive, making the learning curve short
  • You can customize the issue tracker in a variety of ways.

Redmine is not usually used for critical and detailed projects. At its best, you can use it for support or maintenance tasks that require simple commands to be passed. Its main function is the only flaw you can think of.

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