4 Ways to Gain Website Traffic Using Pinterest

4 Ways to Gain Website Traffic Using Pinterest

So you want to double or triple your website traffic this year? Easy; with the use of Pinterest, you can easily promote and drive traffic to your website.

Pinterest is often ignored by many, but what they don’t know is how powerful this platform can be for your business. Want to learn more? Here are five methods to drive the traffic you want to achieve this year:

#1 Focus on Your Copy Description

If you’re familiar with Pinterest, every pin has an area where you can place a description below telling the reader what the pin is about. In order, to maximize your pin’s potential, use the below tips for high engagement:

  • Detailed – in a sentence or two explain what your pin is about. Give enough information to attract a pinner to click through to your website.
  • Helpful – create a pin that is made easy for pinners with a spot-on description.
  • Interesting – draw on the emotions of the pinner by using sensory-related words and positive sentiments.
  • Actionable – always include a call-to-action in your description. Using phrases like, “click here” or “learn more” can generate an 80% increase in engagement.

#2 Capitalize on the Fear of Missing Out

Creating a sense of urgency can drive people to check your website out. Some examples can include; offers that expire in a short time, products that are limited-edition or about to go out of stock, or information that the reset of the world knows about. The sense of urgency creates FOMO or the fear of missing out.

#3 Pin When Your Audience is Active

You want to be pinning at the right time – so that you make use out of your Pinterest and maximize the amount of your pin being seen. The more people viewing your content, the more likely your material will be “repinned.” The best way to go about this is to analyze your Pinterest data. For instance, the best time to post in general is morning (before people head to work), lunchtime, after work, and just before bedtime. The worst time is obviously during work hours, which makes the most sense. But if you want to target your audience correctly, you may want to do the extra research and keep track of your analytics.

#4 Always Create Pin-Worthy Images

It’s vital to always keep your images exciting and eye-catching, after all, it’s Pinterest. So what makes a fantastic photo? Here are the key points to focus when creating a pinnable image:

  • Sizing:  Pinterest favors vertical photos; since most of the time Pinterest users are viewing their feed via their mobile devices, images that are tall than wide makes more sense. The perfect aspect ratio of 2:3 or 4:5 is what your photos should be sized.
  • Amazing Photos: Is your image picture-perfect worthy? Successful Pinterest photos include no faces, vibrant colors, contextual background and lightness. It’s also essential to pin pictures that are only high-quality images and are straight to the point.
  • Include Text: Adding text to your images draw attention and generate traffic back to your website. This technique helps the reader know what your pin is about, quickly and at a glance.

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