Are Press Releases Still Vital To Your SEO?

Every business undergoes online marketing to help their companies gain online visibility towards their clients. As per they are a concern on how to deliver their business online, there are many ways to contribute before they take it. One of this ways is on how they will create exposure to their company recent activity, product announcements, release and the company’s significant events.

online press release distribution

Before online appearance takes over offline activity over these years, many decided to used online press release a way to let other journalists know what’s have been happening to their company. The concept of a press release is to acquire search engine presence above other competitors. In which, I will tackle the next big thing about SEO and press release writing are important when working together these days.

Press Release Distribution Advantages to SEO

You might think about how SEO and press releases related to each other. It’s fairly simple!  News Results!  Press release plays communicative tools to let your clients know about your company are up to and what their website are all about. While press release talks about with people, they also communicate to different online search engines.  So apparently, press releases are still beneficial to SEO in the top of this thing that is why they are written for SEO to be optimized, viewed and ranked well by search engines to reach widely across the globe.

Here are some lists of advantages of online press release distribution

  • Increase Visibility and Trust Flow – As technology caught up, writing online press releases took easily to syndicate in different press release channels. By just posting your news stories, it results in a link back to the company website and measures its relevancy. SEO’s will take its place to discover new links highly relevant pointing out to the site by using its primary keywords.
  • Generate Referral Traffic – When your company website rank competitively on top of Google and remain its standing on the 1st page because of the help of press releases, the higher its chances to be viewed by people. It will lead them to land on your website, buy your product/services, broadcast you to their colleagues and specifically you generate referral traffic for your business.
  • Increase Brand Awareness and Online Exposure – Press releases provides you the ability to create high profiles, credibility, and authority to build trust with your clients. By attributing press releases campaign to an excellent PR services/websites will help you brand yourself as a high-authority business owner and highlight your ability.
  • Increase Social Media Shares – Every time you do the online press release distribution to newswire PR services, they will mostly promote you on their social media channels. They will publish you to several media outlets and gain you valuable results to your business website.
  • Increase Sales – By creating your marketing strategy channels around a press release, you’re most likely building up a good reputation to your buyer. It triggers your buyer a chance to online check your performance, credibility, and authority. So, if you are using a press release to launch your product/services, then you most likely see a growth in your sales.

After knowing the importance of press release distribution as one of your SEO campaigns to help your business presence ranks in search engines, let me share to you on how to maximize your backlinking SEO for your Press release distribution.

How to Write Press Release to Help Your SEO Engagement

In order search engines rank your website in Google, it is vital to write your press release optimized by SEO. You need to make sure that your press release is very well written and can be easily read by people, primarily by people who don’t know about you. Therefore, here are some essential tips to consider when writing your press releases.

  • Choose your topic – It is most highly talks about your audience, writing a specific situation how does your company cooperate well in other establishments, recent company awards, major contracts deals, sponsored charities, or partnerships. A press release is not that difficult to write or outsource, once you understand the guidelines and your company works.
  • Choosing Your Relevant Keywords – To determine your keywords in your press release article must be related to your topic or company website. You should highlight it in your headline, body, and autobio. Spread it out
  • Backlink Your Anchor Text – Don’t spam your press with many anchor text backlinks, 1-2 backlinks will suffice. Anchor text backlinks will help your readers from press release going to your website.
  • Create An Auto Bio – Always include your autobio in your press release article, it tells you who, how, when and what is your company all about. In this area, you can add your company website and contact information.
  • Additional Multimedia Variation – You can add additional images, videos, pdf, and other file attachments in your press release to have your readers more engagements.
  • Social Media Links – Provide your social media links in your press release. PR services, especially premium will ask you to provide your social media links, so they can include it in your press release to generate traffic to your website and social media shares.

What’re Your Insights about Press Release and SEO?

In return, a press release is still vital for your SEO. It’s a win-win situation. You cannot rank your press release without proper SEO. A press release is helpful in regards to your company credibility or website. Every marketing strategy is an advantage to a business. Take advantage of every powerful marketing strategy. It is still your business that can profit.

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