Google by the numbers: Just how massive is Google actually?

Google by the numbers Just how massive is Google actually

It is even hard to image the numbers that Google has made with so many products, services, companies owned and much more from the big giants, Google.

One of the biggest giants in terms of technology, advertising and service providing company is Google. It is very different to predict how big actually Google is because of the immense mega structure and the expanding companies and products that are widely produced by Google and many are owned by Google. It is very easy to keep track of the companies that have a single product line or website like Facebook. But when it comes to the Google Inc. it is much more than just what the google as a search engine is.

According to the Alexa ranking, the world’s most search engine used for web traffic is the search engine. But this is just one of the things Google does. There are way more than people don’t even know and cannot imagine. First of all the Google search engine is different in every country like,, etc. The traffic generated by the google search engine is monitored in every different country and analyzed in the end collectively. To be exact there are 180+ versions of google domain.

Coming towards the mobile version that is being used more frequently than the desktop or laptops, the google search results from the mobile devices are around 90% of the to the total search market.

Let us have a look and know the things that Google owns, produces and has a share in it. You will be surprised to see and note how big actually google is.

  • One of the biggest and the most watched video service provider is YouTube. There is approximately 500 million YouTube visitor on the site alone in a single month time. More than 80% of internet videos belong to the incredible YouTube alone.
  • One of the old and famous social networks that amazed the world with its first introduction was the Orkut. Still it has more than 100 million users present in the world. After Facebook the Orkut has the highest number of daily user visits.
  • Gmail which is known to everyone out there is an email service that is owned by the google and has a remarkable value of 200 million active users to the Gmail.
  • The blogging is one of the most followed and a passionate activity for many people and this has been the catch for the google who has the name under it off, which is the largest and the best blogging platform for the people who have the creativity for the writing and expressing news and knowledge. There is an active user base of more than 500 million users.
  • Android is one of the most successful and amazing operating systems for the smartphone industry that has been rated and used by the largest percentage of the people in today’s era. Every day a record number of more than 300,000 devices are activated on the android platform and people just love this over the other competitors like the iOS, windows etc. The android is rising up with the fast pace and nearly will capture the whole world leaving all the other far behind. The reason for android to be the best is the amazing user experience, greater security and adaptability, the state of the art functionality that gets improved with the new updates and the latest android versions.
  • The google has the best and the most used web browser in the world that is the Google Chrome. Within a short span of time the google chrome has been seen as the best and the easy to use the web browser because of the amazing features and the functionality and the safe and secure mechanism that cannot be matched with the other forms like the Firefox, safari or edge.
  • The best thing that the google has invented in the google maps. It is the widely rummage-sale map services that is being used all around the world. The android is integrated with this service and Apple also use this service from the google.

These were the applications and the platforms that are owned by the google. There are many companies that we don’t know are owned by Google and they are:

  • AdSense
  • Firebase
  • Nest Labs
  • Limes Audio
  • io
  • Red hot labs
  • Alpental Technologies
  • Impremium
  • Deepmind Technologies
  • Makani Power
  • DNNresearch Inc.

The list can go on and on and on with so many subsidiaries and acquisitions Google has expanded itself to limits and beyond. The amazing and state of the art company is for a reason one of the biggest in the world and we wonder what next we are going to see from them.

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