How Digital Marketing Helps to Make Viral Contents?

How Digital Marketing Helps to Make Viral Contents

Digital Marketing is all about sharing content to a targeted audience based on marketing strategies to promote and sell your product or service. If your shared content has the chances of going viral then you have probably hit the jackpot. This article will tell you how digital marketing helps to make viral content.

What Common Digital Marketing Strategies Will Make Your Content Viral?

What Common Digital Marketing Strategies Will Make Your Content Viral

1) Keep Your Content Short

Any piece of content that you share should be less. Especially videos should range from a minimum of 30 seconds to one minute only.

Moreover, your blogs should be short. In today’s world, people have time only to scan contents. Make your contents bulleted, add subtopics and adequate images.

2)  Share Contents that are Relateable with a Human Angle

Share contents which your people can nod their head for. Maybe you share some annoying traits of your boss in the office and many will nod in agreement if they have been affected by such disgusting behaviors.

3)  You Content Should be Genuine and Sound Real

Don’t hype or overdo your content. Produce content that probably guides your consumers, like a “How To” guides. You can also add relevant videos when you talk about an interesting event.

4) Produce Interactive Content

If you are an expert in a particular field then you can create a question and answer forum and solve important issues and answer queries. You can also create content that is in the form of an interview.

5)  Allow your Readers to Comment

Undoubtedly, your blogs should have a comments section. Respond to both positive and negative comments. A good community of people commenting will increase the chances of your content going viral.

6)  Use Lists and Images

Lists and images is a good online marketing strategy. For your content to go viral, make your blog post a list. Furthermore, if you pad out that list with some creative imagery, your chances to go viral increases manifold.

7)  Creating Compelling Headlines is an Important Factor

For your content to be viral and get read you have to give catchy headlines that are benefit-driven and curious. To create a good headline, imagine you are the reader and would you click on that headline.

8)  Create Appropriate Posts

Produce appropriate posts. For example, if you are going to post on Facebook, use proper grammar and formatting to make your content readable. Furthermore, avoid long and winding paragraphs.

Similarly, if you are going to tweet don’t use all the 140 characters. Be sure to leave at least leave 10 to 12 spaces, which helps in encouraging re-tweets.

Let us go to the next discussion part. Social media is the lifeline of digital marketing. How to engage in social media that will help you to go viral?

What are the Strategies to Go Viral on Social Media?

As a digital marketer, it is important to be on social media. How to make use of this part of digital marketing to go viral?

Research the Target Audience

In order to make your content viral, you have to understand your audience. Start a viral campaign by creating at least one marketing persona. You can build a marketing persona by speaking with real and potential customers to understand what is important to them as they consider a purchase and share content online.

Select the Right Social Network

Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are apt platforms to create viral content. However, the content that you create differs between all these platforms.

Create Content with High Engagement

Social media platforms use an algorithm that ranks content based on the likelihood that the user will engage. Content that engages followers will rank at the top of the page.

Furthermore, content that creates engagement is rewarded by being amplified to other users. On the other hand, content that does not create engagement is buried.

Timely Release of Content Ensures Maximum Reachability

You have to know at what time your audience will view their social media sites. Your release timings will be based on the habits and preferences of your target audience, and on the social media platform, you are using.

Significantly, social media platforms use algorithms that rank content based on the probability of user engagement.

Boost Your Visibility on Social Media Platforms with Advertising

Boost visibility on your social network by investing in paid ads. You can create ads that are targeted at a group of influential users. Moreover, if users re-share the ad, the ad will be broadcast to a wider audience in an efficient and cost-effective way.

Partner with Social Media Influencers

Social media influencers can provide your brand with an improved reach that can boost your viral marketing campaign.

Use Social Media Analytics Tool to Measure Your Performance

Digital marketers use the social media analytics tool to measure performance and know what is and what doesn’t work. However, it would take a few tries to create a viral marketing campaign. Moreover, the metrics will help to make changes in the strategy.

Generate Media Attention

You can trumpet to the world through media to tell that thousands or millions of people have responded positively to your brand’s campaign. Furthermore, prepare a press release that contains relevant figures and contact information.

Put Forth Novel Contents

Create unusual contents. Great content is always remembered. For example, Apple’s 1984 Super Bowl ad and the ALS Association’s ice-bucket challenge. Don’t use content from previous campaigns because there is a high chance of receiving negative press attention.

Aspects that will Make Your Content Lose Virality and its Antidote

Aspects that will Make Your Content Lose Virality and its Antidote

Some of the aspects that make your content lose virality and its remedies are,

Your Content May Lack of Emotional Appeal

Lack of emotion would not appeal to your consumers. Your content should trigger emotional connections. Popular emotions that your content should have been,

  • Curiosity
  • Amazement
  • Interest
  • Astonishment
  • Uncertainty
  • Admiration and Humor


  • Get the reader to question themselves
  • Present a different spin on the same old topic that readers see over and over again
  • Know your audience’s pain points

You Content Might Not Be Share Worthy

You have to create content that prompt sharing. The 6 steps to contagious content are,

  • Triggers
  • Social Currency
  • Emotion
  • Public
  • Stories and
  • Practice Value

You May Probably Shoot Your Content At Bad Timings

Content timing is crucial to whether or not it goes viral. You should sort out the days and times when your content is in most demand. You should probably consider the following timing aspects,

  • Times of the year
  • Day of the week
  • Certain time of day and
  • Around certain events

You Would Have Probably Used A Poor Design

Poor design increases bounce rates. People share content that has good visual effects. You can use the following traits for b2c and b2b content marketing.

  • Location of elements determines how likely a user will be to see it
  • Contrast helps elements stand out
  • Design elements can guide users to where you want them to go
  • Bold and subtle colors tell the user where to look
  • Bigger items will draw more attention

Colors that you can use for your advantage are,

  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • Black and
  • White

Poor Distribution Of Content Will Make You Lose Virality

You have to think about your distribution channels. Some factors to consider are,

  • Do you have any influential connections to start with?
  • Share it via social media channels and send them to your friends and colleagues.
  • Publish your video outside YouTube like Howcast, Y! Video, Vimeo and Blip.
  • Buy Facebook promoted posts to increase visibility so more people see it first
  • Use Twitter Ads

Final Thoughts

Let us sum up the above discussion in a few points to remember, to make your content go viral.

  • Use Listicles
  • Visually rich posts with awe-inspiring graphics
  • Be Funny
  • Do Research
  • Use Quizzes
  • Help People to be Successful and
  • Be Surprising

Therefore in the world of the virtual marketing campaign or digital marketing, you get a million views with viral video content, texts, infographics, blogs, web pages, etc. Follow the above-discussed suggestions to make your internet marketing success.

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