How To Use Data To Create Better Content For Your Site

How To Use Data To Create Better Content For Your Site

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

As a digital marketer, I’m continually looking at website data and evaluating it for ways of improving channel performance and get users to various sites. Paid advertising channel marketers have been using data to improve their efforts, be it changing:

  • Copy
  • Call to actions
  • Graphics
  • Bidding options
  • Ad Formats
  • Audience targeting
  • and more.

Paid media marketers have a wealth of data at their fingertips that help them refine their efforts over time and get the best out of their efforts and is why many businesses opt for these more “measurable” efforts.

Content marketing has often been seen as less of a performance marketing channel and more of a creative outlet and a nice to have, which is not the case.

Content marketing can be a performance channel once you start collecting the right data. Once you know what people are looking for and what content resonates with the audience you would like to target, you can hone in on topics and discussions that you leverage to attract large sums of contextually relevant traffic.

Collecting the right data

One of the key strengths of a paid marketing channel such as Facebook Advertising or Google Ads is the fact that you have all the performance data in one dashboard for you to review and analyse over time.

While performance marketing has no real dashboard and you have to create your own one pulling from various sources.

I like to use Google Data Studios as my dashboard builder of choice and create dynamic content marketing dashboards that help me analyse the performance of my website.

Google analytics data

Firstly I will look internally to see what data I can find on our current users and readership and try to extract meaningful data from previous content efforts.

I will look at metrics like:

  • Pageviews
  • Time on site
  • Internal search results

From this set of data, I can see which articles are the most popular and then look at ways of spinning off other content that a reader of that specific article may like to see.

As for internal search, I would look at keywords being used that have little or no content, but clearly, users have an interest in, that we’re not serving and try to gauge from those keywords what kind of content would satisfy that searchers intent.

Google search trends

Google Trends is a great place to start when looking for the overall feel of what users in your region or niche are looking for and what content resonates with users over a long period of time.

By reviewing Google trends, it will give you an idea of topics that are “evergreen” meaning they have consistent interest from users all year. You can then use this data to create content that will consistently bring in visitors and form the base of your content strategy.

Google paid search data

If you’re running paid search, you’re potentially sitting on a wealth of content data, and if you’re not, I will encourage you to set aside a budget to find out what keywords and search terms may be relevant to your business.

By running paid search ads you will get access to a wealth of data on broad keyword data as well specific search terms that you can collate into content buckets to help you with your content strategy, should there be a lack performance targetting content ideas.


Over 85% of webpages listed on the first page of Google for a high volume query have at least one external link pointing towards that page as a reference of some kind.

Using a backlink checker like MOZ will allow you to see what those links are and give you an idea of the type of content that feeds off high-performance pieces.

This type of link data can help you get a better idea of what kinds of complimentary content you should be created to support your core landing pages or articles.

Social Metrics

While a good content marketing strategy relies on search engines to help reach users, an effective content strategy employs social media to amplify its effects.

If you want to leverage social media, you first need to realise that audiences within these platforms aren’t actively looking for an answer and are looking to be captured by content.

One way of finding out what type of content resonates with users on social sites is to review performance metrics.

Social shares

You can use tools like BuzzSumo to input articles or keywords you would like to target and find out what kind of influence they’ve had across various social media platforms.

Using social sharing data, you can evaluate the type of content, headlines and writing style gets users to engage with articles on social media feeds and tailor your content accordingly.

Popular hashtags

Social media is a digital popularity contest, and if you would like to tap into this behaviour for your own benefit, look no further than hashtags. Hashtag usage gives you an idea of the topics, brands, insights and trends that gain traction on social media.

Pop into Twitter or Instagram and perform hashtag searches for relevant keywords and review which articles dominate your searches or which images come up tops.

By looking at the level of engagement on those posts or the amount of content created within a specific hashtag, you can more often than not spot content gaps that you can fill.

Creating high-performance content

Content marketing doesn’t have to be a spray and pray or create and hope situation. By taking a little initiative and ingenuity on your part, you can start to extract data sets from various sources and begin to identify content that resonates with users.

Your data sets will help you identify:

  • What users are looking for in your niche
  • What constitutes good content
  • What types of content perform well
  • Which topics you should be targetting

Having this kind of information readily available will turn your content marketing team into a performance marketing team that not only attract new visitors but consistently bring in leads over time.

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