Increase Your Website’s Traffic by Using the Power of Storytelling

Driving traffic to your website isn’t much of a hassle. All that it needs is smart work and an out of the box strategy. No matter if you are selling a product or service, every web business needs traffic to be tagged as “successful”. With your website ringing the traffic bells, your business gain leads, legit data and much more.


The real question is – how to drive relevant and spot-on traffic to your website and the answer is simple, “great content”. Content still holds the throne of being the king of the world wide web but with the passage of time, content strategies have changed too. You would need a series of appealing content that relates to your users and by the way, it is known as “Storytelling”.

Storytelling in a nutshell

Publishing articles and blog posts are one of the most effective ways to tell people about your business and its services. It will rake in reviews and comments from related people that will help you in determining the level of interest chipped in from people towards your business.

The content production is massive and it is posted everywhere from your blog to other websites via guest posting. Moreover, the published content is spread wide on the internet on various forums including Medium, Quora, Reddit, etc. This whole process is time taking but the results are almost guaranteed. The three pillars of storytelling are invoking content, right publishing platforms and follow up on the comments or reviews dropped in.

Practicing Storytelling

Now that you are more aware of storytelling, let me take you around different perks of storytelling that are essential to boost the traffic on your website.

Moreover, pay serious attention to every aspect it involves because each one of them holds humongous importance.

Awareness is essential

Awaring the web fraternity is a major aspect to cover. By gaining the right traffic on your website, the process of awareness gets kickstarted. The articles can make it to your customer wherever they are which means unstoppable awareness.

Along with increasing search results, awaring the audience will eventually result in international traffic too that is much feasible for your product or service if it is sold remotely.

The biggest advantage of publishing online is you won’t have to reach a place physically to tell the story of your business and it is indeed a big plus. From your precious time to pennies, you will save a lot of both.

Engagement is the key

Be it social media or web space, engagement is a key metric to determine your business’s stake in the industry. After awaring the masses, it’s time to engage them in your niche. This practice will eventually make them dwell more about your business.

Once these leads are up for your business, they are more likely to get back to you. You just have to produce content that keeps them stick to your industry.

Loyalty brings royalty

Keep posting regularly. It is the first and foremost rule of getting a loyal audience. It won’t only keep your social media accounts and website intriguing but your target audience will always be tuned in for more content of their interest. Moreover, it will increase your audience with the passage of time.

The regular readership and engagement rate of your social media handles highly depend on the frequency of posts. Try posting quality content regularly.

Establishing your brand

Branding is the very first language that your business speaks, make sure its tone is right. Till now, people think branding is all about a visually pleasing logo and a great copy. The truth – well branding is a world itself with various elements of communicating with your audience involved in it.

Sir Richard Branson said:

Branding demands commitment; commitment to continual reinvention; striking chords with people to stir their emotions; and commitment to imagination. It is easy to be cynical about such things, much harder to be successful.”

The sole focus of branding is on the understanding of people towards your service or business. To attain ultimate glory and right kind of attention, you should be focused on providing a great experience to your followers and visitors.

This romance between you and your business’s audience will be delved through content and in order to keep this relationship healthy, keep publishing for the audience that will create a hook, making them returning for more.

Demographics to follow

To understand your target audience better, demographic research is a must. By this way, you can also delve into their personal preferences and local know how that is necessary to conquer the branding forte. Following demographics will eventually result in writing user-centric articles or blog post.

To grasp the demographics information of your target audience, you can use Alexa or Facebook Analytics that will enable you to create content that relates to the audience.

The Power of Social Media

Sniff social media and by saying sniff, I literally mean it. It is the most effective way to get your audience’s taste, lifestyle and their preferences. Once you get along with their favorite words, you can easily hit the right keys on your keyboard to gain all the needed attention.

Hashtags, trending issues, and brand mentions are great to increase impressions of your article.

Know What They Want

A thorough research will be more than helpful. Spot trends that are raking in word of mouth and views. Try variously available keyword planners and you will get an idea what keywords are bidded with the highest money.

Additionally, leveraging from tools will get you on the track and you will also get to know with the search trend that will help you in ideating out of the box ideas to write articles on.

Competing with the competition

You know your boundaries, your opponent’s acts and visitors they are fond of. Knowing about the competition and competitor’s strategy will help you in creating a better tactical plan that is bound to bring in better results than any of your competitor.

To create viral content that is most likely to beat the competitor’s article – Search for the top viewed article on your preferred niche, write it down in your tone and try to scale it up by inserting better or more facts, figures or learnings. Post it at a right platform and hyperlink it along with getting in touch with the masters of that niche.

Eventually, people will share your content and the virality factor will chip in. This is all that you would want ever.

Hitting the Right Spot

We talked much about targeting the right audience but once again, it should be your top focus. Use various tools to gather insights into the audience and make use of the data available to tell your story to the right people. Practicing all of the aforementioned aspects will result in:

Increased lead generation

Surge in traffic

Hike in sales

Long – form articles

You may think “Who reads an article boasting over 1500 words”. Well, you are rightly wrong. While you may not be interested in reading long-form blog posts, people love them and this is what Neil Patel, the online marketing mogul found too.

Co-founder of Hello there club and Crazy Egg, Neil Patel did an A/B test on his site. He shortened the content’s length from over 1250 words and cut made it to 488 words. Results prevailed that content with over a thousand words performed exceedingly well (about 7.5% better) than the shortened content.

Reason? Well, people are more into dwelling stories in the content and they relate each and every situation with both of their experiences, personal and professional.

Moreover, leads generated via long-form blog posts are better in terms of ROI than leads from short-form content. With all of these pros, the perfect recipe for driving traffic to your website is:

Intriguing content + storytelling aspect + compelling long-form = Lead generating article.

Now that you are well aware of what to pour in your content to make it perform really well, start vitalizing your content.

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