So, you finally you have decided to turn your idea into reality with the help of a mobile app, that’s great. The decision is good as in recent years the mobile app industry has taken the business sector by storm with its exponential revenue generation. The mobile app has become the requisite need for almost every business in order to reach millions of consumers more conveniently.
According to a report from Statista, the mobile app economy will be able to generate $188.9 billion by 2024 which is almost $100 billion dollars more than 2016 revenue. So, there is not a surprise you are planning to integrate the mobile app strategy into your business.
However, like most of the others you are also stuck at the thought, how much money do you exactly need to spend for an app. Don’t worry we got you and by the end of this article, you will be able to figure out the exact cost to develop an app from the scratch. Now let’s cut to the chase and let’s dive into the details of mobile app development cost.
How much it cost to get an app developed?
The mobile apps are too common nowadays as everyone from startups to established organizations is shifting to the mobile-centric approach. However, it does not deny the fact that mobile apps cant be developed overnight with handful amount of money. There are multiple factors and decision on which the development cost of an app depends.
1. Business Plan
The very first factor that you need to figure out is that for which purpose you will be needing the app. This means you need to evaluate your idea of a business that will be using the app to reach people. Your business structure will categorize the kind of product you will be needing for example if you want to have a messenger then it will have different functionalities than a car-hailing app like Uber. This also includes the research on your targeted users in order to know what you need to allure the majority of them. You can start with the following questions
- What kind of core functionality do you want in the app?
- Who are your target users?
- How your app will generate revenue?
- Will it be available for free or paid to install?
- Will your app help in branding your product or work by itself only?
All the above questions will help you in deciding the type of your ap and it will start narrowing the cost estimation for the development.
2. Platform
Your decision for the platform will make the major influence on the overall development cost of your app. There are two major platforms available that offer a convenient channel for the users, Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android are the two platforms you can choose from. With the Android app, you will be able to cover all the Android device users across the globe and iOS will provide the access to the Apple’s devices running on iOS operating systems. Bot the platforms have their own cons and pros you need to decide which will suitable for your own app. There are various factors you need to look upon to make the decision.
Targeted users are the very first factor that should be considered is the target users, you need to know about the users for whom you are taking this step. Which platforms comprise the majority of your targeted users?
What the budget you have for the app as Android app development is expensive closer to the iOS apps.
What’s the time deadline you carry with the project as the development of these two different platforms takes different time.
3. The complexity of your app
This factor puts in the functionalities and options you will be adding to your app for the end users. On the basis of the user’s requirement and your business plan, you need to make sure what level of the app you will be needing. Moreover, there is a number of apps are already available in the market so it is necessary to make yours different. On the basis of complexity, there are three types of apps
- Apps without the web servers
These are the types of apps that don’t have any web servers and provide the information in the form of lists. Once the user clicks on a list of the menu it will display another list to the users and it will keep going until the user lands on the desired information. The most common example of these types of apps is a calendar, email apps, and planners.
- Apps with web servers
These apps are powered by the web servers and have their own data from the server side. The data in these types of apps are transferred between the client and web along with the functionalities to input and search any desired information
- Gaming apps
You must have guessed the type with the name, these kind of apps are quite hard to give the cost in the beginning. The gaming apps posses some of the most complex processes that take time and efforts to carry out during the development. Moreover, the tech evolution like VR and VR has also taken the expectation of the users to another level.
Whom are you choosing for the app development?
In the market, you have three choices to handover the development responsibility, including Freelancers, small size agencies, large size agencies. The cost of development charges by all these three is different so it’s a totally your personal choice. However, freelancers will cost you the least but will come with some risk including late delay, and others. On the other hand, the small size agencies are the most suitable for the app development that offers affordable price The large size agencies comes with the higher price tags but able to provide comparatively good quality work and latest development trends in the market.

The mobile app development cost depends on all the above factors and you need to make the key decision depending on your needs. You can make the smart decisions to save some money and as well as come up with the most suitable app for your business.