Author name: Saurabh Gupta

Saurabh Gupta has been involved in the world of accounting software, SEO and cloud computing from a very long time and currently, he is working as a lead content writer with Cloudwalks, a QuickBooks hosting company. Cloud computing and SEO is what he eats and drinks.

The top 3 tips for a successful content marketing plan

You might be thinking that content marketing strategy only revolves around writing quality blogs, tweets and creating unique web content but content marketing is much more than that. It is true that social outreach, branding and web content are a major part of the content marketing strategy but in order to make this strategy successful,

The top 3 tips for a successful content marketing plan Read More »

How to stay productive with social media marketing?

The current era is witnessing a vast technological evolution, which has changed many business functions and one such function which has been greatly impacted due to the technological evolution of the internet in the form of social media is marketing. Those days are long gone when businesses have only limited options of promoting their product

How to stay productive with social media marketing? Read More »

How to Move Forward with Your Personalized Social Media Marketing?

The world of social media keeps on evolving and therefore digital marketers need to keep an eye on the latest social media trends. What you used for social media marketing 1 year back will become 50% less useful in the current scenario and therefore, morphing your marketing strategies with the evolving social media platform is

How to Move Forward with Your Personalized Social Media Marketing? Read More »

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