The value of CTA placement and how it can impact an eLearning business’ PPC campaign

eLearning business

Call To Action (CTA) in a PPC campaign is as important as running a PPC campaign in the first place. The core purpose of all PPC campaigns is to encourage the user to take some action and hope for a conversion. Call to action is that prompt that the user clicks on and takes an action in the form of sign up, downloads, subscriptions etc.

The correct placement of CTA can ensure that a user is persuaded to take action before he/ she forgets about it. Call to action buttons can be in the form of download buttons, sign up forms, links to landing pages etc. These ensure that a user is provided with a clear path to take the next step of going from a user to a customer.

Here’s what you can expect out of a CTA placement in your PPC campaign.

  1. User Journey

Call to action helps define the journey of the user better, making it clear for him/ her what the next step of action should be. It encourages a user to take a step to find out more about the product or purchase the product or service. It paves the way for the user after the first step which is information and awareness. This step could be into any direction from collecting personal information to following your blog, exploring your product range, signing up for newsletters, downloading brochures or simply purchasing your product or subscribing for your service.

  1. Followers and Sales

Even if you don’t make an instant sale with the user, you at least leave the scope of future sales for a prospective customer because CTA can also help you gain social media followers and personal information of users who may become customers in the future. With the personal information that you gather with the help of a CTA, you can approach an already interested user, who has a great potential to become a customer, making the task of conversions easier.

  1. Beneficial For Digital Advertising

No matter how good your ad copy or PPC ad campaign is, if users can’t reach you then your digital ad campaigns will fail to get conversions. These are especially important in eLearning Industry’s PPC network because they will tell the user what is expected of them. CTAs provide the final step in the sales funnel to turn users in customers and increase sales. CATs give credibility and faith to a user that they can get all that you are promising them in your PPC campaign, so it is extremely important to have a CTA in place. Without a CTA, your PPC is going to be incomplete. It will merely be informative and not action oriented or persuasive in nature.


CTA is extremely important in a PPC campaign because without it a user will not know how to further explore the purchasing and other options of your product or service. If this happens, the user will feel compelled to switch to a competitor that is offering a clear path of persuasion to the user to convert to a customer. CTAs are simply addressing the curiosity of ‘what next’, once the user has become aware of your product or service. It is the tool that encourages and makes a user want to do something about the awareness and information that he/she has gathered about your product/ service.

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